Draw Write Now, Book 4

Draw Write Now, Book 4

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Draw Write Now, Book 4

64 pages, softcover, color throughout, 8-1/2" x 11"

Compare and contrast the Polar Regions, then explore each in depth. Study the Arctic, “The Land of the Midnight Sun”, while drawing polar bears, musk oxen and more. Then, look at Earth’s most unusual continent, Antarctica, its unique animals and its scientists.

Lessons in Book 4

The Polar Regions

The Arctic and Antarctic, Auroras, Icebergs, Ocean Migration, Air Migration, Animals That Stay, People

The Arctic

Map of the Arctic, Polar Bear, Walrus, Arctic People, Arctic Homes, Arctic Tundra, Muskox, Wolf, Reindeer

The Antarctic

Map of the Antarctic, Emperor Penguin, Krill, Icebreaker, Scientist

Draw Write Now, Book 4 Table of Contents

Art Elements

At the end of each unit, several pages focus on a specific art element or principle. In Book 4 they are:

  • Coloring stroke

  • Outlining

  • Using color to show dimension and feeling


Four short sentences (manuscript style) are shown for copy work. The writing practice should be adjusted to fit the child’s abilities and needs. In addition, any handwriting style may be practiced. The following is from a Book 4 lesson:

The tundra is frozen in winter.
It comes alive in summer.
The snow and ice melt.
Plants bloom and insects hatch.